We need to hear from YOU !
(Our email addresses are presented graphically in a cunning attempt to fool the spammers.  I'm fairly certain that this won't work, but hey, worth a shot!)

Send us an email and let us know your mailing address, email address, phone number, cell number, witness protection alias, OR SOMETHING so that we can find you again (at least two of those would be good).   Your contact info will not be posted on this site or distributed in any way (other than, maybe, between ourselves in an effort to FIND YOU).

If you are on Facebook, then please search for 'Pflugerville High School Class of 1976' and send a request to join the group.   I'm guessing that there won't be a lot of conversation going back in forth but it should be a pretty good way for us to keep in touch.  Thanks to Connie for starting the group a long time ago.   We don't really know how to operate it yet but we're gonna give it a shot.

While you are there, you might also consider joining the 'Pflugerville Panthers Alumni Group'.   This one is maintained by Cyndi Motloch and contains news about alumni from all classes up to and including (I think) 1980.

The question of graduation status came up with previous reunions.  It doesn't matter.  If you were a member of the class of 76 anywhere along the way, then you need to be there (in case we can ever pull off another, you know, reunion).